Enzymes play an indispensable role in various aspects of mRNA biology, from its synthesis and modification to its degradation. These enzymes are crucial tools for basic research, biotechnology applications, and the development of mRNA-based therapeutics.


Transcription: RNA polymerase is the enzyme responsible for synthesizing mRNA from a DNA template during transcription. Different RNA polymerases exist in various organisms, but they all share the same basic function of adding RNA nucleotides to a growing mRNA strand following the complementary base pairing rules between DNA and RNA bases (Adenine pairs with Uracil, Guanine pairs with Cytosine).


In Vitro Transcription (IVT): This technique utilizes purified RNA polymerase enzymes to generate large quantities of specific mRNA molecules in a cell-free system. IVT is a crucial tool for mRNA vaccine production and mRNA-based therapeutics development.


Polyadenylation: After RNA polymerase completes mRNA synthesis, another enzyme, poly(A) polymerase, adds a tail of adenine nucleotides (poly(A) tail) to the 3' end of the mRNA molecule. This poly(A) tail plays a critical role in mRNA stability, transport, and translation.


Capping: Another enzyme, guanylyltransferase, adds a modified guanine nucleotide (guanylate cap) to the 5' end of the mRNA molecule. This capping process protects the mRNA from degradation by enzymes called nucleases and facilitates ribosome recognition during translation.


Reverse Transcriptase: This enzyme is essential for some viruses, such as HIV, to convert their RNA genome into a complementary DNA (cDNA) molecule. This cDNA can then integrate into the host cell's genome, allowing the virus to replicate. Reverse transcriptase is also a valuable tool in molecular biology techniques for generating cDNA from RNA samples.


RNA Degradation: Once an mRNA molecule's function is complete, various enzymes, such as nucleases, degrade it into its constituent nucleotides. This degradation process helps regulate gene expression and recycle cellular building blocks.



产品共计 0


RNase III, E.coli

目录号: ON-024

T4 RNA Ligase 1

备注: T4 Rnl 1
目录号: ON-081

DNase I (RNase-free)

目录号: ON-109

T4 RNA Ligase 2

备注: T4 Rnl 2
目录号: ON-544-C010

RNase R

目录号: ON-509-C020

Vaccinia Capping Enzyme

目录号: ON-028


目录号: ON-124

T7 RNA polymerase

目录号: ON-004

Poly(A) Polymerase

目录号: ON-126

BspQI (10U/ul)

规格: GMP
目录号: ON-124-G

T7 RNA polymerase (200U/ul)

规格: GMP
目录号: ON-004-C200-G

DNase I (RNase-free) (1U/ul)

规格: GMP
目录号: ON-109-G

Pyrophosphatase Inorganic (yeast) (0.1U/ul)

规格: GMP
目录号: ON-025-G

Vaccinia Capping Enzyme

规格: GMP
目录号: ON-028-G

2'-O-Methyltransferase (50U/ul)

规格: GMP
目录号: ON-014-G

RNase Inhibitor (40U/ul)

规格: GMP
目录号: ON-039-G